Create Cloud9 Instance

Create Cloud9 Instance

AWS Cloud9 is an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to write, run, and debug your code in a browser. Cloud9 includes a code editor, debugger, and command line interface. Cloud9 comes pre-packaged with essential tools for popular programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, PHP, and more.

During the steps in this workshop, use an IAM User with Administrator Access privileges instead of using the root account.
This workshop will be conducted in Region Singapore.

  1. Go to Cloud9 service interface
  • Click Create environment.

AWS Step Functions

  1. Enter the name StepFunctions, then click Next step.

AWS Step Functions

  1. Keep the basic option, drag the screen to the bottom, and click Next step.

AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions

  1. Click Create environment, and wait a few minutes for the Cloud9 instance environment to be completely initialized.

AWS Step Functions

  1. Click the X icon to close unnecessary tabs.
  • Click the + icon, then click New Terminal to open a new command line interface.

AWS Step Functions

The next step is to create sample services for our workflow.

AWS Step Functions