Check workflow

Check workflow

  1. Run the following statement to execute the Lambda function that submits an application that contains invalid address information.
aws lambda invoke --function-name sfn-workshop-SubmitApplication --payload '{ "name": "Spock", "address": "AnInvalidAddress" }' /dev/stdout

AWS Step Functions

  1. Go to State machines interface
  • Click on state machine ApplicationProcessingStateMachine-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

AWS Step Functions

  1. In the Executions tab, click on the last execution.

AWS Step Functions

  1. Click state Pending Review, then click Step output.
  • We can see the application ID attribute has been added.

AWS Step Functions

So we have successfully passed the application ID into Step Functions, we are ready to configure the Pending Review state to notify the Account Applications service when an application is tied flag and will pause state machine execution to wait for the controller to re-check the registration information.

AWS Step Functions